Charlotte Concrete Cleaning Service
Zap It Wash is your concrete cleaning expert. Our concrete cleaning process consists of a detergent application followed by a hot water surface clean and double rinse. We are out cleaning concrete daily and can clean your concrete with outstanding results no matter how large or small the area is. Our residential concrete cleaning service is time tested by near 20 years experience of cleaning concrete surfaces all over Charlotte and surrounding areas. With our experience and cleaning expertise there is no concrete we don’t feel confident in tackling!

Concrete Pressure Washing Charlotte NC
For our commercial concrete cleaning services in Charlotte, we use pressure washing methods utilizing degreasing agents and soap emulsifiers to remove contaminants and make the surface shine like a new penny. Concrete cleaning is a great service to increase curb appeal immediately! Hot water can increase the effectiveness of your concrete cleaning as well. Professional pressure washing companies will have. hot water cleaning skid for your job. Call us today!

Exterior Concrete Cleaning Professionals
Trust your commercial concrete cleaning services to the pros at Zap It Wash. We have the experience, knowledge and manpower to handle all of your Charlotte commercial concrete cleaning needs. Call 704-919-9730!